Men's Bible Study
The Men's Bible Study meets on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church to discuss books of the Bible and topics of faith. To join the Bible Study, please contact Connie at the office.
Restoration Center
The Central Lutheran Restoration Center
is in need of clothing for men. Please keep them in mind when going through personal items and help out if you can.
Your donations can be given to Connie in the office. Please ask Connie what they are in need of as their needs do change. Thank you for your generous support!
Mission: Stitch
Every Tuesday, at 1:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church. Stay as long as you would like. We are making prayer shawls, hats, baby blankets for Lutheran World Relief or a local charity. For more information contact Anita Stoker.
Book Club
Meets the last Monday of every month in the Faith Lutheran Lounge at 1:30 p.m. For this months book and more information you can contact Karen Uphoff or see Faith Lutheran's monthly newsletter for the book title of the month.
Do Days
The Do Days invite and welcome you to come and join them for quilting. You do not need to know how to sew. Come for quilting and fellowship. We begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall. Stay as long as you would like.

Music Ministry
We love to create a joyful noise! The Chancel Choir is open to singers of all abilities. Check out rehearsal times on Wednesday and Sundays on our monthly Calendar tab on the Home page.
The Bell Choir (in partnership with First Lutheran Church) rehearses on Wednesday evenings and performs occasionally during worship.
Instrumentalists are also welcome to share their gifts to enhance our Sunday morning worship service.
Church Without Walls
One Sunday morning each year, we step out of worship and into the community to care for the needs of others in an annual give back event in the fall. Participants share their time putting items together for those in need, as well as beautify the landscape around our church, community ball fields and much more (see the slide show below for event pictures).
Faith Milestones:
We support children in our congregation through the celebration of Faith Milestones. Each year between baptism-5th grade, students receive a special gift from the congregation to encourage them in their life of faith.
Church Without Walls 2023